Mission statement
Śrī Dharmavīra Prabhu received Kṛpā Siddhi directly from Śrī Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu to enable Sādhakas with blessings to chant minimum 64 rounds of Śuddha Harinām daily. Dharmavira Prabhu is able to give eligible sadhakas Krishna prema,which is the higest goal of human life. Read more…
"Blessings is only fifty percent, the rest is determination, dedication and following all rules and regulations as per Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Siddhānta"
How to chant 64 rounds of Hare Krishna Mahā-mantra daily
Testimonials – Symbol for Gratitude
(Testimonials from sādhakas who were empowered by Sri Dharmavira Prabhu)
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I was doing 16 rounds and that too not properly, in that also half was in morning and remaining in evening, and I was not able to concentrate, so I thought let me give it a try to learn 64 rounds, no worries I will chant 32 rounds. Or at least maybe 16 rounds will be done properly, I might get useful tips. So I contacted His Holiness Dharmavira Maharaj. Slowly I increased and within a 1 week I was able to chant 64 rounds. Later He taught me how to do and guided me and empowered me further and due to Lord’s mercy I am able to chant minimum 64 rounds till date.
I found out about Śrī Dharmavīra Prabhu in 2016, and continued reading about them in 2017, and finally joined the saṅga in 2018. At that time, I was only chanting few rounds a day, so with his blessings, and mercy, I was able to eventually chant 64 rounds. The method I used was to add one round per day, maintain that until I reached the goal of 64 rounds, and maintain that consistency. I encourage all who is serious about following Srila Prabhupāda, to read about Śrī Dharmavīra Prabhu's teachings which are inline with sādhu, śāstra, and guru, to make their life perfect.
For the past few years, I had travelled across the length and breadth of the Indian subcontinent to find a qualified conducive environment for performing Shuddha Harinaam for which is possible only through mercy of Shuddh Sadhu. It is very rare to find in this Kali Yuga, so after tireless efforts, I came to know about HH Dharmavir Prabhu, disciple of Srila Prabhupada and very exalted vaishnav. Although he lives in Radhakund and he has dedicated his life for the mission of Śrīla Prabhupada and spreading glories of Harinaam. Glories can't be spread merely by hoarding practical scriptural information, until the Sadhaka himself won't able to experience the taste and transcendental qualities of Harinaam.
Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I will try to share with you my personal experience with Sri Dharmavira Prabhu. At a certain point of my spiritual life I needed to go deeper. So I began to chant more than 16 rounds. I was searching for someone who could help me.
I found Sri Sri Dharmavira Prabhu on the web. I contacted him and I began asking him questions. He was very patient and humble with me. Day after day he helped me to reach that goal. The first time I contacted Sri Dharmavira Prabhu was 2017. Still Today I am chanting minimum 64 rounds daily. So I just can be grateful to him. So what I can say to all of you who are sincere.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
*** Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ***