“Beautiful glorification of Srila Dharmavir Prabhu”
Written by the Raya Ramananda das
“There is one thing I wanted to share as testimonial Which I strongly felt at Radha Kund at end of 7 days of training:
Whenever I used to see Gurudev walking upon the transcendental Chinmaya Bhoomi of Radha Kund, he was always present in real Transcendental Abode of lord, although we were walking upon covering of Maya, but he in his Real Transcendental form walking in Ecstatic love for Radha Krishna Yugal, which gets manifested in his body in form of many baavas, Thing which I Observed is His Strong Unlimited attachment to Radha Kund, which is Manifested only in the Sadhus in the level of Bhaav, as Sri Bhakti Rasamrit Sindhu tells:
kṣāntir avyartha-kālatvaṁ viraktir māna-śūnyatā
“āśā-bandhaḥ samutkaṇṭhā nāma-gāne sadā ruciḥ
āsaktis tad-guṇākhyāne prītis tad-vasati-sthale
ity ādayo ‘nubhāvāḥ syur jāta-bhāvāṅkure jane”
‘When the seed of ecstatic emotion for Kṛṣṇa fructifies, the following nine symptoms manifest in one’s behavior: forgiveness, concern that time should not be wasted, detachment, absence of false prestige, hope, eagerness, a taste for chanting the holy name of the Lord, attachment to descriptions of the transcendental qualities of the Lord, and affection for those places where the Lord resides-that is, a temple or a holy place like Vṛndāvana. These are all called anubhāva, subordinate signs of ecstatic emotion. They are visible in a person in whose heart the seed of love of God has begun to fructify.’
1. prītis tad-vasati-sthale
Whenever he used to cross Radha Kund, Any samadhi of Goswamis, he was so powerfully inscrutable, Silent like deep ocean, totally attached to those places as mentioned above, this Reveals the fact that he is from that Transcendental plane, and whenever we were doing parikrama, he was always silent like he is Experiencing the transcendental mellows of Prem, directly associating with those lila pastimes etc, which makes one totally Unaware of materialistic dealings what’s happening in world. We have heard all these things in scriptures but sadhus are the practical living form of Shastras (bhakta bhagvata).
2. avyartha-kālatvaṁ
He practically taught us through his exemplary Character: he told us not to waste even a moment in dhaam, whenever you are in dhaam, your bead bag should always be in your hands, always constantly chanting.
3. viraktir
He is totally detached from external opulence, we all heard about his Detachment and Vairagya when he told that despite being from such Opulent background he Surrendered to Srila Prabhupada and left everything at age of 21. He is ideal Grihastha also, like personal associates of Mahaprabhu used to be, he is simply like them totally dependent upon Krishna for everything, He is investing everything for Advancement of Conditioned souls by building Harinaam center for aspiring sadhakas, thereby serving Śrīla Prabhupada in real sense, he is always far away from from False material opulence.
4. māna-śūnyatā
Despite having achieved so much in his life materially as well as Spirtually, he is Extremely simple and Down to earth, no trace of material self prestige can be seen. He would be talking to conditioned souls like us, and we didn’t even understand that we were talking to a Dear associate of Sri Krishna. If someone is talking to secretary of Prime minister of some country, One feels oh yes, this person seems so great, he is so big personality. But this is not with great Devotees of Lord, they always remain humble and simple and remain concealed, hidden. They don’t let normal people know about their supreme superiority. This is nothing but Inconceivable for us without their kripa.
5. āśā-bandhaḥ samutkaṇṭhā
He is Always hopeful and eager to serve the Lord, and more than that, we saw the mood of real Jiva doya, mercy for fallen souls, I saw how he is so always hopeful and eager to help even extremely sinful and Aparadhi souls like us, so that we can be able to advance smoothly on path of Krishna Bhakti.
6. nāma-gāne sadā ruciḥ
He is Always attached to chanting the holy names of the Lord, this is Experienced not by me but by everyone else who came in contact with him, through his blessings everyone is advancing in naam bhajan, more cannot be explained because my testimonial will become more expansive due to this one point only. One can feel this only by experiencing. Although I used to stop my own chanting in order to see him Chanting in deep immersion and love for Sri Sri Radha Krishna.
7. kṣāntir
Totally peaceful and always smiling, I saw and he personally told me his past of extreme forbearance While doing bhajan In Radha Kund when he initially came here, how he performed all services in South Africa in Isckon, there he preached Śrīla Prabhupada mission everywhere, There is no ending regrading his Spiritual adventures. His forbearance and perfectly Disciplined nature regrading Sadhana is commendable, right from walking up as early as 2 am to other standards of naam bhajan. No compromise can be seen in his life regarding Krishna Conciousness, if one is doing Bhakti, then one has to do it purely, without any aparadh and looseness, One has to be Extremely serious when one is into Spirtual life.
This testimonial is totally unbiased, with the mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga I wrote these directly perceivable things Which I personally experienced.”
Written by By Raya Ramananda das
“Raya Ramananda das – one of the participants who attended 7-day personal training at Radhakund in June 2022”