Pray to Sri Krsna…

5 years ago

We must always remember Sri Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja and not forget him for a single second. This…

We are still so unfortunate…

5 years ago

To be honest anyone who is not attracted to chant the sweet holy name of the lord are very sinful…

Guru must be living Guru…

5 years ago

Sri Krsna only accept service from His devotee. By devotee we mean pure devotee. If one is not a pure…

64 limbs of devotional service…

5 years ago

Harinam gives them the highest pleasure because it includes all 64 limbs of devotional service which incorporates the nine processes…

Discover your true identity…..

5 years ago

Sri Krsna informed us in the Bhagavad Gita that this place is place of misery and why are we trying…

To achieve freedom from committing offenses…

5 years ago

Only by continual association of pure devotees will we easily advance in Krsna Consciousness. Otherwise not possible to achieve this…

The difference between material consciousness and…..

5 years ago

The difference between material consciousness and spiritual consciousness. Material consciousness is becoming the servant of one’s sense and spiritual consciousness…

One to get out of karmi consciousness…

5 years ago

According to Srila Rupa Gosvami fifty percent one’s disposable income should be spent for Thakurji’s service. He taught this by…

Perfection of devotional service…

5 years ago

Serving the Guru with transcendental faith is the perfection of devotional service.

He is not Guru. He is a Con Guru or kangaroo…

5 years ago

Just chant the pure Holy Name under the guidance of the pure devotee of the Lord. Harinam cannot be chanted…