Chanting harinam is chanting without offenses. Understand that Krishna consciousness is not an institution. Book…
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Embrace death…
When we know that death is fast approaching us, we should rejoice knowing that very…
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many people fall into doubt about the potency of the holy name……
Chanting the name with offenses is not called harinam but nama-aparadha. The body,mind and soul…
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If you are serious about going back to Goloka Vrindavan…
If you are serious about going back to Goloka Vrindavan in this very lifetime. You…
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The only way to develop prema bhakti …
The only way to develop prema bhakti for Sri Krishna in the beginning is to…
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true understanding of sambandha jnana…
One sign to know that you are spiritually advancing is to understand I am the…
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Namabhasa which is semblance of the holy name…
When we chant the holy names of Sri Krishna without sambandha jnana then we are…
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Importance of hearing from SP….
There is definitely a great benefit by listening to the same lecture by Srila Prabhupada…
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Only Vaishnava association will save you…
Only Vaishnava association will save you from repeated birth and death together with constantly chanting…
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Chanting Harinam is superior to conscious effort…
One can remember Sri Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja by constantly chanting Harinam or…
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