Categories: Jan_June_2020

But it was only a stage play…

You have no father, mother, husband or wife or children. This is just an illusion created by the material energy. Just like a stage play. Someone plays the part of father or mother etc. But after the play we know that it was just a play. You had many fathers and mothers in your previous lives but it was only a stage play. Today where is that mother and father that you were so attached to. Don’t be illusioned by the material energy. Therefore, Sri Krishna says in the conclusion to Bhagavata Gita. Give up everything and just surrender to me and I will give you protection. If we believe Sri Krishna’s words we will do just that. Have faith in the words of Sri Krishna, Gauranga Mahaprabhu and our Guru parampara. Don’t give lip service to our sublime teachings. To get the taste of Krishna consciousness one must have continuous sadhu sanga. There is no other way to surrender fully to Sri Krishna.


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