Categories: Jan-June 2021

How to know if one is making genuine spiritual advancement?

How to know if one is making genuine spiritual advancement. It is not a rocket science. When one only has desire to serve Guru and Gauranga and has given up all attachment to family members including so called mother, father, sisters, brothers , and children etc. for the service of Sri Krishna then we are advancing spiritually otherwise we are just cheating ourselves. Why? We are eternal servants or Sri Krishna and not Maya the illusory energy. How to do this. Very simple always think of Lord Sri Krishna and pray to him in this way. O my Lord, there is no limit to the unwanted orders of lusty desires. Although I have rendered these desires so much service, they have not shown any mercy to me. I have not been ashamed to serve them, nor I desired to even give them up. O my Lord, O head of the yadu dynasty, recently, however, my intelligence has been awakened, and now I am giving them up. Due to transcendental intelligence I now refuse to obey the unwanted orders of these desires, and I have come to you to surrender myself at your fearless lotus feet. Kindly engage in your service and save me.


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