“Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja’s name is so sweet. It is sweeter than pure honey. This taste can only be awakened by sadhu sanga (Associating with pure devotees)”
Why don’t we experience the sweetness of the Holy name even though one has been chanting for many years?
“Dharmavira Prabhu explains that if one is not properly empowered to chant Harinam, then the Holy name does not come out when chanting. Only syllables of Sri Nama will come out of the mouth, but Nama Himself will remain far away”.
Dharmavira Prabhu has empowered many thousands of aspiring students to chant the pure Holy name of Sri Krishna. Many of them were struggling to chant 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra. He empowered all of them to chant 64 rounds daily with his blessings.
Dharmavira Prabhu always says that “fifty percent is blessings and fifty percent is determination and dedication”.
Dharmavira Prabhu can also empower you to chant the sweet names of Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja. Without the blessings of a God realised soul it is impossible to chant the pure Holy name of Sri Krishna.
All classes will be available on Zoom explaining Nama Tattwa (The truth of the holy name) Namaparadha (Offenses against the holy name) Namabasa (Semblance of the Holy name)
For the Written and video testimonials visit www.dharmavira.com