Just for few moments of temporary happiness we are neglecting our eternal happiness. We are really fools without a doubt. Please give up this foolish mentality and always chant the sweet name of Sri Krishna and solve all problems once and for all. Please tell me who is happy in this material world? Only person happy in the material world is a saint or a madman. If you not a saint then definitely you are a madman.
Benefit of practicing tolerance and forgiveness. When someone pierces you with the arrow of sharp…
How to know if one is making genuine spiritual advancement. It is not a rocket…
Whenever we speak of devotee in our scriptures it refers to pure devotee, a self…
Why Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu asked all sādhakas to chant always the name of Sri Krishna?. He…
When karmīs observe ekādaśī, those who follow the path of karma, it is to eradicate…
One who chants the Holy names without avoiding the ten offences, is a fool who…